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Smooth Yellow Violet, groundcover, Perennial flowers

Original price €8,95 - Original price €14,95
Original price
€8,95 - €14,95
Current price €8,95
Size: 1 Packet 25 Seed
Viola pubescens eriocarpa, (Viola pubescens,eriocarpa),woodland shaded area ,vigorousWho doesn't love wild yellow violets? A lovely open woodland or partial shade flower, it brightens any area. Prefers partial sun to light shade or open woodlands. Growing approx. 6" tall. Blooms April-July, sometimes September. Also known as Smooth Yellow Violet. PARTIAL SHADE/WOODLAN

Wild Yellow Violet Seeds
About: Many seeds of woodland and rare wildflowers have built-in dormancy mechanisms which protect them from germinating before killing frosts or in times of drought. In the wild, seeds will lie dormant until they acclimate to their new environment or until the proper conditions for growth occur. To be successful with these types of species and growing them from seed you must realize that each species has a different method of naturally breaking dormancy. Woodland and Rare wildflowers are not instant garden flowers and many take a great amount of patience before they germinate and bloom. Once they do, they are well worth the wait.
Different Ways Woodland and Rare Species Break Dormancy: Each species is different. Some are relatively quick and act like traditional perennials while others can take a few years. Below, we have outlined different ways these species break dormancy to help you better understand why some take longer than others. It will also help you to better understand why they don’t germinate the first or second year – so don’t give up on them!
1. – Some species germinate upon sowing in a warm location like any other perennial. They grow and leaf the first year to begin blooming the second and successive years.
2. – Some species need a cold, moist stratification followed by an extended cold period ie. Fall/Winter.
3. – Very small seeds need light to break dormancy so they should be planted no deeper than 1/8th of an inch and just a light layer of soil cover. They shouldn’t be allowed to dry out. You can tell the size of your seeds by just looking at them.
4. Some species will need a warm, moist period followed by a cold, moist period and will need 2-4 full years of these alternating conditions to break dormancy.

Materials: seed,flowers,Flowers Seeds,Perennial,Wild ginger Seeds,Other common names include Woodland Ginger,Ginger Root,Heart Snakeroot,Indian Ginger,Asarabaca,and Catfoot Select your desired size and color from the available option