Combat Extreme Transition Zone Grass Seed three way turf type fescue grass seed blend that produces grass with fine to medium leaf blades which allow it to form a dense turf. This seed blend has lower growing cultivars.
Combat Extreme™ is a great lawn seed for shady areas, something that warm season grasses cannot provide. This fescue grass seed blend produces grass with superior heat and drought tolerance and makes Combat
Extreme™ grass seed an excellent choice for professional or home use.
Three Combat Blends To Optimize Varieties:
Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone - USDA Zones 4 - 5
Combat Extreme™ Transition Zone - USDA Zones 6 - 7
Combat Extreme™ Southern Zone - USDA Zones 8 - 10
Each Combat Extreme mixture will perform well outside of the given zone. For example, there is no reason you could not use Combat Extreme™ Transition Zone in USDA Zone 8 or Combat Extreme™ Northern Zone in USDA 6. These USDA Zones are given as optimal guidelines, but not as fixed rules.
Unlike other turf type fescue grass seeds, Combat Extreme has the ability to repair itself. Traditional tall fescue grass seeds will clump together, not filling in the bare spots and producing an uneven lawn. With bare spots, weeds are more apt to take over the lawn. What makes Combat Extreme™ grass seed unique is its ability to fill in these open areas with aggressive tillering.
Toega Turf Fescue - The quality level of Toega sets a new milestone with finer leaf texture, increased shoot density yet not compromising the wear tolerance. There are no limits to the use of this variety for mixtures for sports, amenity or extensive purposes - in the private sphere, public areas or for turf professionals!
Rhizing Star - is a new and improved, heat and disease resistant tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality across a wide area of adaptation. RHIZING STAR is a dark green, moderately fine textured variety that exhibits excellent wear tolerance, improved turf density and resistance to Brown Patch. It quickly forms a strong dense turf because of its rhizomatous root system. Rhizing Star is endophyte enhanced for added disease resistance.
Chanelle - Chanelle turf type fescue grass was developed for areas with high traffic requiring low maintenance. Chanelle will maintain its superior turf quality under less than optimum conditions. It has exceptional resistance to Brown Patch disease. It is widely adapted to varying climatic conditions. Chanelle is a top choice for home lawns, parks and playing fields. Chanelle is recommended for permanent turf in full or partial shade on golf course roughs, out-of-bounds areas and low maintenance sites. It can be used in poly-specie grass seed mixtures maintained at a moderate height of cut. Can be used in dry temperate regions in addition to hot and humid regions with excellent results.
Houndog 5 - Houndog 5 is a new and improved heat and disease resistant tall fescue variety developed for superior turf quality. It is a very dark green, moderately fine textured tall fescue with excellent wear tolerance.
Characteristics of Combat Extreme™
Self-repairing turf
Fills in open areas in the lawn by means of tillering
Knits the lawn grass together
Quickly fills in damaged or open spots with new shoots of grass
Strong, deep root system
Ability to draw its moisture from a deep profile
Excellent drought and heat tolerant with less irrigation
Excellent in the transition zone climate
Produces a thick even lawn grass
Ability to repair itself through tillering– repairs open areas within a lawn
Excellent color and disease resistant
Withstands stressful weather conditions
Holds its rich green color, even through winter’s low temperatures
Rapid germination and quick spring green-up
Quickly establishing grass seed
Early spring green-up – have a greener lawn earlier in the spring then other grass seeds
Higher value for the home owner than conventional tall fescue grass seed
Ordinary tall fescueleafed ugly clumps" of tall fescue plants in open areas.
Blending fescue grass seed varieties together that have top performance on some of the desired characteristics allows the lawn to adapt itself to various conditions. In the shady areas, the grass seed varieties with good shade tolerance will prevail, in the high traffic areas the best wear tolerant grass seed varieties will prevail, etc. The result is a beautiful lawn grass everywhere, from the same seed blend.
Combat Extreme™ fescue grass seed sets a new standard for home lawns. Not only does the Combat Extreme™ tall fescuell ever need! In our opinion, this is the best grass that we carry (for durability and hardiness) and the best turf type fescue blend on the market today!
Seeding Rate & Planting Time
New turf: Sow 8 - 10 pounds Combat Extreme™ grass seed per 1,000 square feet or 320 - 400 lbs/acre for broadcast seeding
Over-seeding: Sow 4 - 5 pounds tall turf type fescue grass seed per 1,000 square feet or 160 - 200 lbs per acre for broadcast over-seeding
Planting: Plant turf type tall fescue grass seed when soil temperature reaches 55 degrees in spring up until a minimum of 6 weeks before frost in fall