Capsicum frutescens
Capsicum frutescens a species of chili pepper that is sometimes considered to be part of the species Capsicum annuum. Pepper cultivars of Capsicum frutescens can be annual or short-lived perennial plants.Capsicum frutescens includes very few varieties of chillies but it does include that most famous pepper of all - the Tabasco pepper.
Some of the other cultivars and varieties included in this group are Piri piri, also known as African Devil or African Bird’s Eye, Malagueta pepper, Malawian pepper, Kambuzi pepper and Thai pepper, also known as Chilli Padi, Bird’s Eye Chilli or Siling Labuyo.
- aji pepper (1)
- annual (3)
- asian (1)
- Asian recipes (1)
- bird's eye pepper (1)
- Capsicum baccatum (1)
- CHILI (1)
- chilli (3)
- Easy To Grow (2)
- Filipino (1)
- flowers (1)
- garden (3)
- Great In Containers (2)
- growing (1)
- Harvest (1)
- heat (1)
- heirloom (2)
- Heirloom Seeds (2)
- home and garden (8)
- Hot Chili (2)
- HOT Chili Pepper (1)
- Hot Pepper (3)
- hot. (1)
- imported_from_etsy (3)
- Labuyo (1)
- Malagueta Pepper (1)
- Mild (1)
- Organic (2)
- organic (1)
- pepper (3)
- Pepper Hot (1)
- Pepper Sauce (2)
- pepper seeds (1)
- Pepper SeedsPepper SpeciesCapsicum BaccatumBolivian Orange Search... (1)
- Plant (4)
- planting (1)
- Plants And Edibles (4)
- Red Hot (1)
- Salsa (1)
- sauces (1)
- Seeds (4)
- Siling Labuyo (1)
- spo-disabled (8)
- Sun (2)
- Thai Chili (1)
- vegetable (1)
- vegetables (1)
- vegetables seeds (2)
Aji Sazonar' PEPPER SEEDS,, seasoning pepper from Cuba, Capsicum frutescens
CARIBBEAN GARDEN SEEDAji Sazonar is a seasoning pepper from Cuba. This comes from the species Capsicum frutescens, InstructionPEPPERSow seeds indoors ¼" deep. Peppers g...
View full detailsANGKOR SUNRISE, Hot Pepper Seeds, (Capsicum frutescens)
CARIBBEAN GARDEN SEEDANGKOR SUNRISE Chili Pepper SeedsSpecies: Frutescens | Origin: Cambodia | Heat: HotA variety named by Richard Sterling from seed collected in Cambo...
View full detailsBradley Bahamian ,Pepper SEEDS, Capsicum Frutescens
1 Review
Name: Bradleys Bahamian-- Great in Containers .(Bahamian Bird Pepper) Bradley's Bahamian's was discovered on the Bahamas near the entrance of a sma...
View full detailsChenzo' Pepper SEEDS (Capsicum frutescens)
CARIBBEAN GARDEN SEEDOur Pepper seeds are rare originals passed down over generations to be pure, Non-GMO seeds you can count on. Cold tolerant and well suited to...
View full detailsGUAM BOONIE ,HOT PEPPER Seeds (Capsicum frutescens)
3 Reviews
Excellent for flavoring a variety of dishes. Great for adding a zesty kick to homemade salsa or chili. Preserve by canning, drying, or freezing. Wa...
View full detailsHAWAIIAN RED KONA -Pepper Seed, Capsicum frutescens
CARIBBEAN GARDEN SEEDHAWAIIAN RED KONA - very hot; Tabasco Type; 0.75 to 1.25 inches long by 0.25 to 0.375 inches wide; medium thin flesh; matures from pale green to o...
View full detailsPurira Pepper SEEDS (Capsicum frutescens) HOT
CARIBBEAN GARDEN SEEDOrganic Non-GMO Hot Purira Pepper - Open-Pollinated - Extremely Hot And Also Quite Ornamental70 days. Capsicum annuum. Plant produces good yields ...
View full detailsTabasco Pepper SEEDS (Capsicum frutescens)
CARIBBEAN GARDEN SEEDExcellent for flavoring a variety of dishes. Great for adding a zesty kick to homemade salsa or chili. Preserve by canning, drying, or freezing. Wa...
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