Honeywort Seeds,Cerinthe major 'Purpurascens'.BLUE SHRIMP PLANT, Perennial.
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KIWI BLUE Honeywort Seeds - Cerinthe major 'Purpurascens' , Great In Container
This easy-to-grow perennial (zone 8) produces 24-30 inch plants with stunning blue bracts and purple-blue flowers that attract hummingbirds and bees from June to September. It can also be grown as an annual and self-sows without becoming invasive.
They Grow nicely with ,'Summer Indigo' Clematis, Cape Fuchsia, Foxglove, 'Arizona Sun' Gaillardia, Ornamental Grasses, Jupiter's Beard, and Maltese Cross.
How to Plant HONEYWORT Seeds
Sow seeds in cell packs or flats, press into soil and barely cover. Kept at 70° F., germination is in 5-21 days. Transplant into the garden 10-12 inches apart after all danger of frost.
GREEN THUMB TIP : Full or part sun. Tolerates heat. Will accept a wide varietiy of soils as long as drainage is good. Decidedly drought tolerant, plants grow larger, bloom heavier with average water. Location and soil impact ultimate size. Given full sun, rich soil, ample water, can reach 4 feet high. In sun, lean soil, with little water, plants rarely top 2 feet. In shade, they will be shorter still. Provide good cut flowers when stems are singed with a match or plunged into boiling water. Deer resistant. Attracts bees and hummingbirds.
Honeywort (Cerinthe Major Purpurascens) - To attract hummingbirds to your garden, start some Honeywort seeds! Cerinthe Major Purpurascens Honeywort is a hummingbird magnet, and it attracts bees and birds yet it is resistant to deer. This Honeywort plant is fast-growing and so rewarding to grow from flower seeds. Cerinthe Major has nodding clusters of rich, purple-blue, tube-like flowers on arching stems. The foliage is unique and just as attractive with mottled bluish mauve leaves that spiral up the many branching stems. Cerinthe Major is excellent in a container where it will drape gracefully over the sides, or it makes a great specimen plant for the flower garden. Honeywort is known to easily self-sow its own flower seeds for next year's marvelous blue flowers. Cerinthe Honeywort plants are continuous bloomers and can begin in the spring and bloom into the fall. Another common name for Cerinthe Major is Blue Wax Flower.
Cernithe Major Honeywort is native to the Mediterranean region and can be a tender perennial in frost-free climates. Start the Honeywort seeds indoors 6 - 8 weeks before the last expected frost. Sow the flower seeds in pots and cover with 1/8 inch of soil. Keep soil moist but not saturated. Honeywort plants must be in well-draining soil. To use Cerinth Major as a cut flower, the ends of the stem need to be either flamed or dipped in hot water.
Flower Specifications
Season: Annual/perennial
USDA Zones: 3 - 9
Height: 18 inches
Bloom Season: Summer
Bloom Color: Purple
Environment: Full sun to partial shade
Soil Type: Humus rich, moist but well-drained soil, pH 5.8 - 7.2
Planting Directions
Temperature: 68F
Average Germ Time: 14 - 21 days
Light Required: Yes
Depth: Sow seeds 1/8 inch deep
Sowing Rate: 1 - 2 seeds per plant
Moisture: Keep seeds moist until germination
Plant Spacing: 18 inches
Materials: seed,flowers,CUP AND SAUCER VINE SEEDS,Cobaea scandens,Cobaea,Plant,Wildlife,Summer bloomers,Hummingbirds,Great For Shade Plant,Flowering,Vine Select your desired size and color from the available option